Sexual pleasure was inlaid by evolution to carry life forward through time, but sexual satisfaction can be enigmatic and difficult to achieve for many women. Successfully treating sexual distress can positively impact intimacy in relationships and psychological health. The “O” shot is a widely available PRP procedure for sexual rejuvenation aimed to increase sexual pleasure for women. This article discusses the limited scientific research available to support the procedure.

Clinical Evidence: PRP for Sexual Rejuvenation in Women

the o shot for female sexual rejuvenation

Though there is skant scientific evidence available to support this procedure, the O shot is available in most major cities We found a single study which evaluated the efficacy of vulvar PRP injections to treat sexual dysfunction in women. The 2014 pilot study from researchers in Birmingham, Alabama evaluated the efficacy of PRP injections for female sexual dysfunction.¹ The study included 11 women aged 24-64 experiencing some form of female sexual dysfunction including; female orgasmic disorder, hypoactive sexual arousal disorder, anorgasmia, and dyspareunia or painful intercourse. Patients presenting with vulvodynia or vaginismus were excluded from the study.

Each patient received two 2.5 ml injections, one in the anterior vaginal wall and the other in the clitoris. PRP was prepared according to two seperate methodologies; one of the many drawbacks to this study. Some patients received PRP prepared from 60 ml of peripheral blood according to the standard recommendations of the TruPRP system. Other patients received PRP prepared from 10 ml of blood with the Regen system gel kit. Researchers did not specify which patients received which PRP kit.

Effects of PRP Injections for Sexual Rejuvenation

natural female sexual rejuvenation

Outcomes were assessed according to the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) and the revised Female Sexual Distress Scale (FSDS-R). FSFI records arousal, desire, pain, orgasm, satisfaction, and lubrication while the FSDS-R measures sexual distress in women. Patient reported FSFI and FSDS-R scores were recorded at the time of injection and again at the 12-16 week follow up.

Of the 11 women 7 started with elevated levels of sexual distressed as measured by an FSDS-R score of 11 or more. At follow up, 5 of the 7 distressed women decreased their FSDS-R scores to less than 11. Contrarily, 2 women reported increased sexual distress; one because of hyper arousal and the other from the loss of a relationship.¹

Treating Sexual Dysfunction in Women

female sexual empowerment with prp injections

Women experiencing dyspareunia were once treated with injectables like Calcium Hydroxyapatite Crystals and hyaluronic acid, which may form granuloma that require surgical removal.¹ Hormonal abnormalities or physiological pathologies are treated with pharmaceuticals and surgical intervention, but many women show no indication for these therapies. It is clear that many cases of female sexual dysfunction include a psychosocial component. Women without hormonal or physiological abnormalities can benefit from counseling and lifestyle changes, especially the addition of stress reduction activities like exercise.

There are several drawbacks to the aforementioned study; the researchers did not include a sample sufficient to determine statistical significance and the study was not well-controlled: a control group was not included and two unique PRP preparation methods were applied indiscriminately. Future studies would benefit from a larger sample size, control groups and objective assessment.


  1. Runels C, Melnick H, Debourbon E, Roy L (2014) A Pilot Study of the Effect of Localized Injections of Autologous Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) for the Treatment of Female Sexual Dysfunction. J Women’s Health Care 3:169. doi:10.4172/2167-0420.1000169.[ncbi]

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